Hey y'all!!
Mexico was absolutely fantastic!
(Despite the smelly bathrooms, dirty tents and
2 gallon bucket showers)
We had the great privilege of building two houses
right next to the houses we built 2 years ago!
One team built a house right next door and
my team built a house across the street!
We worshiped in a Mexican church on Sunday.
We were all surprised to see more children than
adults at the service. Then we soon found out that
the church WAS a childrens church. It was probably
the most fun I have had in a church service before because
of all the singing and dancing ( there were hand motions that
went along with all the songs). What an experience!
After church we went to the beach in Rosarito which
was really nice because it was so sunny out. A couple of us girls
got our hair braided by some of the Mexican ladies at the beach
and I convinced almost everyone in our group to get
a henna tattoo (: Yes, even Pastor DeMass.
The house team "Omega" built was for a family that had
4 kids. Elisabeth-13, Esmerelda-10, Danilo-7, Imelda-5.
The youngest, Imelda, was so cute! I tickled her one day
on the job site and for the rest of the week she would always
try to sneek up on me and tickle me. It was really cute!
Esmerelda always watched by the door and looked like she
wanted to join but she was always too shy, then on the last
day she finally came out and joined the tickle fight!
It was a GREAT week!!