It really had been a long time since I wrote in this blog. I just didn't
think that many people read it so there wasn't much motivation to write, but
that isn't fair to those happy few who enjoy reading this.
School is still great! I am actually in my USEM class right now. It is
a class about the psychology of your family. The teacher's name is
Donald MacDonald and he looks like Santa.
I also have a politics class with a teacher who is half deaf, so he always
has to cup his ears when people speak in class and he always has a funny
look on his face and says "EH?" over again until he understands what you
are trying to say.
My other class is tricky. I can't remember if I signed up for "Design Fundamentals" or "Hug a Tree" because pretty much all the videos we watch are all about recycling and being nice to the environment.
We made up a game this weekend which invloves a soccer ball and the ping pong table.
Basically, you play 'around the world' with the soccer ball and no paddles, BUT you need
to make up a sound effect or a small phrase to say whenever you touch the ball.
Things are going really well so far!